Portrait Prices
Sitting Fees
Head Shots/ Solo Shoot
B&W only $125
Color and B&W $175
Family/Group Portraits
B&W only $175
Color and B&W $225
*May vary with size of Group
Portfolios -- $325
Senior Portraits -- $325
* Includes sized photo for year book.
Group Sittings -- $75
*Per additional sitting added to shoot
Processing Fee -- $75
* Hourly rate for additional photo enhancement by request
or additional time added to the shoot.
* Wedding packages and prices are listed separately, but all
print prices are the same.
Custom Portraits
4x6 -- $20
5x7 -- $30
8x10 -- $45
Wallets -- $45
8x10 Floating w/ Name -- $60
11x14 -- $85
12x18 -- $115
* A 20% discount will be applied when ordering multiples of the same image and size.
Reprints Sets
4x6 Set of (10) Reprints -- $120
4x6 Set of (20) Reprints -- $160
5x7 Set of (10) Reprints -- $180
5x7 Set of (20) Reprints -- $240
Holiday Greeting Cards & Birth Announcements
4x8 Set of (10) Greeting Cards -- $90
4x8 Set of (20) Greeting Cards -- $130
4x8 Set of (30) Greeting Cards -- $150
4x8 Set of (50) Greeting Cards -- $180
Digital Files
Low Res. 4x6 JPG (150 dpi) -- $55
High Res. 4x6 JPG (300 dpi) -- $75
High Res. 6x9/8x10 JPG (300 dpi) -- $150
High Res. Full Size Tiff -- $350
Add Floating w/ Name -- $15